Bad Credit Car Loans
Credit From Someone You Can Trust
As part of the Downey Automotive Group, it’s our mission to get you into a reliable vehicle that works into your budget. Here at Downey Credit Solutions, we’ll make sure that you’re not driving an old, unreliable car, even though you may be in a difficult credit situation.
Long-standing Reputation – The Downey Automotive Group has been in business in southern New Brunswick for more than 60 years.
Huge vehicle selection – Downey Credit Solutions has access to the hundreds vehicles currently in stock at the Downey Automotive Group’s three dealerships.
Leaders in the Automotive Industry – As a recognized leader in New Brunswick’s Automotive sector, you can feel comfortable joining the thousands of happy customers who have already trusted our organization with all of their automotive needs.

Let us help you learn more about auto financing, bad credit car loans, credit tips & tricks, DIY, and the latest in automotive news.